Exam, X-Rays & Regular Teeth Cleaning*


Dr. Nelson Krum

Dentist (DDS)

College: Dartmouth College: graduated with a Bachelor of Arts in Biology in 1975

Dental School: University of Colorado:  graduated with a Doctor of Dental Surgery (DDS) in 1979

Personal Bio: Dr. Krum has been practicing dentistry since 1979 and is married with three grown children. In his spare time, he enjoys skiing, pickleball and building wooden model ships.

Personal Interests:  Dr. Krum is an author with three books published, “The Saudi Oil Gambit”,  “Disaster at Bushehr”, and “Signals from Saipan”. He writes under the pen name Reginald Nelson.

Personal Favorites:  His favorite authors are Tom Clancy, James Patterson, Dan Brown and Harlan Coben.

Personal Quote:  “I will provide the same type of caring and concern for you that I do for my family. You will be provided the best that dentistry has to offer in a warm, fun, caring atmosphere. Welcome Home!

Patient Impact: I placed implants on a man who had worn dentures for forty years and could no longer keep them in. He called me from the steak house, where he was enjoying his first steak in a decade.